Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is CatLock?

CatLock is a utility designed to prevent accidental keyboard input by locking the keyboard with a hotkey (Ctrl+L).

Is CatLock free to use?

Yes, CatLock is open-source software and completely free to use.


How do I install CatLock?

Simply download the CatLock setup file from the download page and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

How do I uninstall CatLock?

To uninstall CatLock make sure to quit the program and run the uninstaller executable. The uninstaller is located in the folder where you installed the program. The default installation location is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Programs\.catlock.

Usage and Features

How do I lock and unlock the keyboard using CatLock?

You can lock the keyboard using Ctrl+L. Clicking on the semi-transparent overlay unlocks the keyboard.

Does CatLock work on macOS or Linux?

No, CatLock currently supports only Windows operating system.


Why is CatLock flagged by antivirus software?

Some antivirus software may flag CatLock due to being bundled by PyInstaller. However, CatLock does not perform any harmful actions and is safe to use.

Contact and Support

How can I get support for CatLock?

You can contact me through email or visit our GitHub Issues for technical support and bug reports.

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