About CatLock
Introduction to CatLock
CatLock is a simple utility designed to prevent accidental keyboard input, particularly when your feline friend decides to grace your workspace.
Platform: CatLock is currently available exclusively for Windows.
What's new (v1.1.0)
- Added the ability to lock your keyboard using system tray menu.
- Condensed some of the menu items into sub menus.
Key Features
- Lock your keyboard with a hotkey (Ctrl+L) or the system tray menu.
- See a semi-transparent overlay indicating the keyboard is locked, allowing uninterrupted viewing.
- Unlock the keyboard by clicking on the overlay.
- Access configuration options via a convenient system tray menu:
- Adjust overlay opacity to suit your preferences.
- Enable or disable system notifications when the keyboard is locked.
Open Source & Free
CatLock is open-source software, offered free of charge.
Antivirus Considerations
Some antivirus software may flag CatLock due to being bundled by PyInstaller. However, rest assured, CatLock is safe to use and does not perform any harmful actions.
Get Involved
Explore CatLock on GitHub to get the latest updates, view the source code, and contribute to its development. Your feedback and contributions help improve CatLock for all users.
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